Secretary-General Chen Dehai Attended the Opening Ceremony of the 4th Beijing ASEAN Students’ Games

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

The 4th Beijing ASEAN Students’ Games, hosted by ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), kicked off at Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) on 10 November, 2018. Mr. Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre, Mr. Zhang Baojun, Vice-President of Beijing Language and Culture University, and representatives of the 10 ASEAN embassies in China attended the Opening Ceremony, joined by nearly 500 ASEAN students from different universities in Beijing.

During the Opening Ceremony, students from Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand presented warm-up performances. Subsequently, the ASEAN student athletes paraded into the sports field in square formation, led by flag bearers wearing national costumes. Each formation took a temporary stop in front of the podium to make salutes to the distinguished guests, while embassy representatives rose to greet their athletes. The sports field was enveloped by animated atmosphere with frequent applause and cheers. 

Vice President Zhang Baojun delivered welcome remarks. He extended his greetings to all the distinguished guests and ASEAN students, and encouraged all ASEAN students to study hard and forge ahead to make contributions to the common development of and friendship between China and ASEAN. 

Mr. Goh Pai Shen, First Secretary of the Singaporean Embassy in China, delivered remarks on behalf of the embassies of ASEAN Member States. He said that the ASEAN Students’ Games played an important role in strengthening friendship and enhancing the younger generation’s awareness of the importance of ASEAN-China relations. He thanked ACC and BLCU for their dedication to the Games and wished the Games a complete success.

Ms. Kornkanok Sripinyo, a Thai student from Renmin University of China, led all ASEAN student athletes to take a solemn oath, promising to strictly abide by the rules and disciplines of the Games, respect the competitors, conduct fair competition, live up to the true meaning of sports and put on their best performances.

Secretary-General Chen Dehai delivered remarks and announced the opening of the Games. He stated that sport is a bridge to enhance friendship. The purpose of the Beijing ASEAN Students’ Games is to promote the spirit of sports through joint participation and fair competition and enhance solidarity, mutual trust and friendship among ASEAN students studying in China. ACC will continue to pay close attention to and support the programmes and activities concerning ASEAN students in China, continuously promote practical cooperation in the field of education between ASEAN and China and make positive contributions to a better future of ASEAN-China relations.

All the distinguished guests joined the student athletes on the sports field in group photos. They exchanged views with the athletes and participated in some fun sports activities. The sports field was filled with warm and cheerful atmosphere.

The 4th Beijing ASEAN Students’ Games, hosted by ASEAN-China Centre, organized by ASEAN students’ associations in Beijing and supported by Beijing Language and Culture University, were composed of seven major events, including basketball, football, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, billiards and track-and-field, which attracted the participation of more than 800 ASEAN student athletes. The Awarding Ceremony of the Games was scheduled to take place in BLCU on 18 November 2018.